jeudi 23 mai 2024


What’s in a name? Desinhibition, a ‘catch-all’ term

Pr Katherine Rankin
Pr Katherine Rankin, Neuropsychologue, Professeur au Département de Neurologie de l'University of California San Francisco donnera une conférence (en anglais) sur le thème de la désinhibition dans le cadre de la démence frontotemporale.
Katherine Rankin

Behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, unlike other forms of dementia, is primarily
characterized by changes in behavior, personality, and language, with disinhibition being
one of its core symptoms. However, because there is no single defi nition that captures
the totality of behavioral symptoms observed in these patients, disinhibition is an
umbrella term used to encompass socially disruptive or morally unacceptable behaviors
that may arise from distinct neural etiologies.

This masterclass aims to review the current knowledge about behavioral disinhibition
in this syndrome, considering the cultural factors related to our perception of
behavior, the importance of phenomenological interpretation, neuroanatomy, the brain
networks involved and, fi nally, a new neuroscientifi c theory that offers a conceptual
framework for understanding the diverse components of behavioral disinhibition in this
neurodegenerative disorder.

Replay de la conférence

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